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Imagine the freedom and convenience of hosting meetings online! With AdvisorSites Conferencing, you can go over a financial plan, a quarterly report or anything else with a client. If a prospect calls and wants to know about your firm, don’t just drop a brochure in the mail and make them wait. Tell them to get on the Web and go to your site…for an instant online meeting and showcase! AdvisorSites Conferencing really opens up your business possibilities—because you can work with clients and prospects on the other side of town or the other side of the country—without leaving your desk! And best of all, AdvisorSites Conferencing gives you this marvelous capability at a fraction of the cost of PlaceWare, WebEx or other costly alternatives!

An easy, efficient way to meet online.

Host meetings with clients or prospects online.

You can work with clients across the street or across the country...without leaving your desk!- Just tell them to get on the Web, go to your website and join you for an online meeting.


AdvisorSites Conferencing is a java applet technology—so participants don’t have to download a big application.

Meetings are easy to initiate.

Host as many online meetings as you want — all year long.

Annual price is determined by the maximum number of participants (from different locations) whom you want to include at your online meetings.

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